There Is A Message In The Mishap

Have you ever experienced a situation several times and wondered why it keeps re-occurring? Have you considered it may be happening to get your attention?
Within the past few days, I’ve left my phone behind twice in a row. Once at the library and other at a store. Both times, I was blessed enough to retrieve it. Needless to say, I gained some insight from it. The outcome could have been costly but God in His Grace allowed me to get a lesson out of it. That is my view of the situation anyway.
What event/mishap keeps occurring that is trying to get your attention?
For me, the lesson was; be intentional and more conscience of your actions. Don’t get so caught up in the hustle and bustle you aren’t paying attention to what you’re doing.
There are three points I would like to share:
• Decompress
• Deliberate
• Detailed
Don’t allow the cares of life to cloud your perception. Otherwise, you may do something that will set you back and bring your progress to a halt causing you to lose momentum. Again, for me I believe my experience helped me realize the need to get some quite time, be still long enough to hear God’s voice. Regain focus and clarity. Get in a quite space. Listen to some music. I love soaking, worship music. Write your thoughts down. Decompress
Be intentional about what you’re doing. Don’t get derailed or distracted. Keep purpose in mind when you’re working on goals, even when you’re getting some down time in. Be deliberate in your actions. There is a reason for everything.
Pay attend to detail. Don’t go through life wandering with no purpose. Position yourself for the opportunities that will help get you to your next level. There’s a saying “the devil is in the detail.” Well, I beg to differ and so does Gustave Flaubert. That quote is misquoted. His quote is “God is in the detail.” The devil will have you focusing on the wrong things whereas God will cause you to give attention to the very thing you need for the next step in your journey.
Avoid what I would like to call “Martha moments.” You get so caught up in the event or problem you can’t see the solution in front of you. This is derived from the story in the bible when Martha was so overcome by her brother Lazarus dying, she didn’t see this was an opportunity for Jesus to show His ability to do the miraculous.
Don’t allow anxiety to cause you to miss the opportunity that allows the solution to manifest.
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5 Tips To Help You Focus On Your Goals

Jacqueline Turnbo
Author, Business Strategist, Accountability Coach
Jacqueline Turnbo is an Author, Business Strategist, and Accountability Coach. She is an Infopreneur and the CEO of Vision Concepts, LLC, a business research and development firm. She is a wife, mother, grandmother and a God-fearing woman, affectionately known as “Your Partner on Purpose.” Jacqueline is passionate about empowering others with information or knowledge to assist them in pursuing their purpose. She holds a special place in her heart for woman forty and over looking to transition from the workforce into entrepreneurship, Jacqueline helps them embrace or identify their purpose while monetizing their passion as they live intentionally and aligned with their divine purpose. Her motto is “You can do that thing God has specifically designed you to do. Only you can do it.” Jacqueline is the creator of P.U.S.H (Propelling Unique Strategic Help) Accountability Program. P.U.S.H is designed to help women reach their destiny by accomplishing their goals. She believes accountability is a key element and possibilities are endless if individuals stay focused and committed to their goals. Jacqueline earned a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Phoenix and certificates in Strategic Procurement and Supply Chain Management from Columbus State Community College.