Are You Ready For Your Next?
Are you currently in a job or career that’s not serving your passion? You may wonder what I mean by “serving your passion.” Are you utilizing your gifts and talents directly related to the thing you love to do? The thing you love so much, you would almost be willing to do for free. Notice, I said almost.
If you find yourself unhappy at the thought of spending one more day doing a task vs. providing a product or service that will make a difference and positive impact; ask yourself how you will change your situation. Have you considered we all have an assignment, something we specifically are designed to do? There is purpose with your name on it, something your job or career cannot fulfill.
You may be telling yourself, “this 9 to 5 isn’t cutting it anymore.” Are you really living up to your fullest potential by staying on that job year after year? Many individuals are disengaged in their position. After a certain point, the job loses it savor…especially if you’re over 35, approaching your 40’s or in your 50’s. Your tolerance is less and less, whether it’s dealing with the responsibility of management or simply dealing with different personalities if you catch my meaning…
Job security is a thing of the past. Companies are downsizing in record numbers, outsourcing and eliminating positions more than ever. How secure is your future? Let’s not mention your retirement benefits. What would you do if you were given a box to pack your personal belongings in and told you are laid off or your position has been eliminated, tomorrow? Or maybe you’re thinking about retiring sooner than later. You may say to yourself; what’s next?
Don’t wait until something tragic happens or when your funds are limited, and you’re unable to invest in your future. Be proactive, prepare, and position yourself for your next. Now is the time to discover your purpose and embrace it. Gain focus, and pursue your passion and you just may find the very thing you were created to do.
We’re in a dispensation of creativity. We can no longer depend on corporations to provide jobs that will last for 20, 30, 40 years with pensions to sustain us when we retire. We must create products and/or services, build wealth and make a difference for those we have been assigned to. Besides, it’s time to be intentional in everything we do and live our best life, live on purpose. And how do you do that? Take the necessary steps towards your next. It’s possible to create your own wealth by monetizing your passion while making a difference at the same time. Implement the 5 S’s:
- Surrender to your purpose
- Save money
- Set goals
- Seek help from a mentor, coach and/or consultant
- Strategize
Surrender to your purpose by acknowledging you have a specific desire that won’t go away. The volume of the voice within is getting louder asking; “when will you move towards your purpose?” It’s time to answer “now.” See yourself doing something different, something you love, something that will make a difference to those you’ve been called to serve. It will require a mindset shift.
Save money, this is important because you will need to invest in your vision, you will need a source of income when you leave your job or when you retire. Budget your money now so you can invest later without it being a hardship. It’s said, individuals looking to enter into entrepreneurship should save an equivalent of 6 to 12 months salary. This will provide a cushion when you decide to take that leap or when your job decides they don’t need you anymore. When starting a business, you may not see a profit right-a-way, it’s been known in the first 5 years of a business you do well to break even so, be prepared. Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart.
Set goals, desire alone is not enough to put legs on your vision so you can move forward. You must have a plan and part of your plan requires you to have goals. Determine what your goals are, determine WHY you want to reach them and what action steps you need to take. Consistency and commitment are key elements needed in reaching or exceeding goals.
“A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement.” ~ Bo Bennett
Seek help from a mentor, coach and/or consultant, this will help you develop and grow. Connecting with someone who is doing what you desire to do is inspiring and motivating. They can help clarify grey areas. However, a mentor or coach may not be versed in every area of your industry/platform, they still provide insight and you can glean from their experience. Accountability is necessary to maintain your focus and achieve your goals. We all can use a push to get us moving. Our Your Accountability Group is a great resource to help keep you motivated to stay on task. It’s a free closed Facebook group. “No judgment” zone, our virtual arms are open. Join us today. Go to:
Strategy is necessary when developing a business. It’s important to be specific. Vital information and tactical methods are good components of a successful plan. Be intentional, your vision/dream/goal is not a random thought. You were created for a specific purpose. Don’t minimize your gifts and talents. Put in the work, do your research or Vision Concepts, LLC can help you.
The first step is acknowledging you have untapped potential and purpose. There is something greater you were designed to do. It will require a shift in your mindset and openness to change. Vision Concepts, LLC likes helping individuals embrace and align with their divine purpose and develop strategic ways to monetize their passion. If this is you, and you feel there is something you know you’re supposed to do and you’re having a hard time moving forward, let’s connect. Contact me for a 15-minute complimentary Discovery Call. Click here to schedule.
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Jacqueline Turnbo
Author, Business Strategist, Accountability Coach
Jacqueline Turnbo is an Author, Business Strategist, and Accountability Coach. She is an Infopreneur and the CEO of Vision Concepts, LLC, a business research and development firm. She is a wife, mother, grandmother and a God-fearing woman, affectionately known as “Your Partner on Purpose.” Jacqueline is passionate about empowering others with information or knowledge to assist them in pursuing their purpose. She holds a special place in her heart for woman forty and over looking to transition from the workforce into entrepreneurship, Jacqueline helps them embrace or identify their purpose while monetizing their passion as they live intentionally and aligned with their divine purpose. Her motto is “You can do that thing God has specifically designed you to do. Only you can do it.” Jacqueline is the creator of P.U.S.H (Propelling Unique Strategic Help) Accountability Program. P.U.S.H is designed to help women reach their destiny by accomplishing their goals. She believes accountability is a key element and possibilities are endless if individuals stay focused and committed to their goals. Jacqueline earned a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Phoenix and certificates in Strategic Procurement and Supply Chain Management from Columbus State Community College.