Are you tired of talking about your dreams and doing nothing about them? How about setting goals and not achieving them because distractions or procrastination gets the best of you? You have good intentions but you can’t get motivated to move forward.

Let’s face it, life happens and there will always be something to distract us or we sometimes get in our own way by allowing procrastination to set in. Here are some sure signs:
- Focusing on smaller projects vs. more detailed projects
- Easily distracted by the least little things
- Feeling overwhelmed before you even start
- Lack of concentration
- No clarity
- Excuses, excuses and more excuses
- Personal issues
- Setting goals that aren’t realistic or measurable
At what point will you say: “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH….?”
One thing for sure, you will not reach your goal(s) if you do not take action. A part of that is gaining clarity, deciding what your goals are and why you want to achieve them. You must be committed to see them through. Mere motivation is not enough, it will take focus, determination/drive, and ACCOUNTABILITY.
You may “run for cover” when you hear the word accountability. It’s not a bad word, it just requires us to take responsibility for our actions/non-actions. There are times when we need someone to encourage, remind or give us a PUSH to get started. You don’t have to do it alone. There is a solution to help you get unstuck and move forward.
The P.U.S.H. Accountability Program may be the very thing you need to get you started or regain your focus.
P.U.S.H. stands for Propelling Unique Strategic Help an accountability program designed to stimulate you into moving forward, gain focus and take action so you can achieve goals that are aligned with your purpose (hopefully your divine purpose).
It’s tailored to fit your needs in accomplishing specific and measurable goals. We assist you in obtaining objectives with a strategic approach, help you gain the right perspective, and move towards your goals whether personal or business.
The whole idea is to get or keep you moving, take action, make a plan, execute that plan as you move closer to your destiny and live on purpose.

“Accountability separates the wishers in life from the action takers that care enough about their future to account for their daily actions.” ~ John Di Lemme
P.U.S.H. Accountability Program will help you:
Gain clarity
Overcome procrastination
Set realistic goals
Take action
Create a strategy
Execute your plan
Be ACCOUNTABLE for your Vision, Dream, GOAL(s)

The First Segment of the P.U.S.H. Accountability Program Will Cover:
Week 1
Discover why Goals are important
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Second Segment of P.U.S.H Accountability Program
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Third Segment of P.U.S.H Accountability Program
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Implement the Strategy Plan
Week 12
The P.U.S.H. Accountability Program offers the following:
- Weekly Live Group Accountability Sessions via Zoom or Facebook Group
- Tools and resources to create a Strategy Plan
- Accountability towards your timeline to accomplish goals
- Working session to help put your plan in ACTION
- Closed Facebook Group for weekly motivation, accountability and interaction with other goal oriented individuals

How long will you hold your idea, vision or dream hostage in your head? It’s time to get it out of your head!
Don’t let another Quarter come and go and you still haven’t completed the project that could increase your bottom-line or achieving your desired outcome.
Are you tired of talking about your dreams which are goals in action and you’re ready to start working on them? Do you need some accountability?
This year is moving fast. Don’t let 2021 end without meeting or exceeding your goals! Actually, you should be prepared for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of 2021. Are you ready to make a change, better yet; be the change? Prove it by taking action and signing up for the P.U.S.H. Accountability Program today.
The First Segment of the P.U.S.H Accountability Program Starts Thursday, May 6, 2021.
You can purchase the whole program (all 3 Segments for 12-weeks) at a discounted price of $297(One-time payment) or $25 to hold your spot and $25 per week for 12-weeks.
Also, you may choose to purchase 4-week Segments (a-la-cart) for One-time payment of $97 (per segment) or $25 to hold your spot and $25 per week for 4-weeks (per segment).
Reserve Your Spot Today!
One Time Payment of $297 (all 3 Segments)
$25 to Hold Your Spot, $25 Per Week for 12-Weeks (for all 3 Segments)
Interested in only One Segment?
Note: If you select the weekly payment option, your payments will start now and continue for 12 weeks. If you have any questions, contact Jacqueline at This program was not designed for you to give up. Each participant is expected to meet your commitment of weekly payments and complete the entire program whether you purchase 3 segments or 1 segment of the program. Any payment modifications made after the series of payments starts and for any reason will result in a $25 administrative fee per modification. Every person participating in this program agrees to these terms. By completing the registration to save your seat, you agree that you are responsible for the total cost of this program.
Meet the Facilitator