Can you truly say you have a handle on the marketing segment of your business? Do you have at least one thing prepared if a potential high end client knocked on your virtual door ready to buy? Can you respond without hesitation?

If you can’t answer with confidence, no worries. Let me show you how to create powerful marketing assets to take your business/platform to the next level…

Canva Bootcamp Creating Your Marketing Assets 6-Week Program


STARTS Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. EST

You can join through Monday, March 8, 2021

Does this sound familiar and you can relate?


A potential high end client reached out to you and the esthetics of your proposal or contract was not reflecting your brand. Nor was it presentable enough to represent your highly valued product or service

You hired a VA or Contractor to handle your back office functions and you either fired them or they moved on before completing the project to update or enhance your marketing documents/graphics

You missed a list building opportunity when you appeared on someone’s platform and you didn’t have your lead magnet together

Putting off your launch and leaving money on the table because you lack the confidence to DIY 

If so, you are welcome to join our latest 6-week Canva Boot Camp. Why should you enlist in our boot camp?

It’s time to stop leaving money on the table because you’re waiting on someone else to do what you can do.
If you want to meet your marketing goals for the First Quarter of 2021, you must start now!!!
You may need some accountability to get your marketing projects done.
It’s time to level up your Canva skills so you can leverage them in your business/platform.

In this boot camp you will learn how to use features in Canva to help you leverage your marketing plan. Do not confuse this with merely using your creative skills…

I’m not talking about making random graphics that will not speak to your audience, nor hit their pain points.

I’m not talking about comparing your graphics with other brands…causing you to doubt yourself.

I’m not talking about wasting time by allowing yourself to be distracted in Canva and not completing your project. 

I’m not talking about using Canva as an excuse to cut it from your budget because you don’t use it. Nor refuse to upgrade.

What I am saying…

You can strategically create graphics, documents, videos, ebooks, lead magnets and so much more to optimize your marketing strategy.

Make graphics to help you leverage your products/services in your business and/or your platform.

In This Boot Camp We Will Cover:

Create Email Headers for autoresponders to upcoming workshops, programs, offers/promotions and engagement emails etc.

Engagement graphics, Staple Graphics, Promotional Graphics


Letterhead, Contracts and/or Proposals Templates

Ad Graphics

Graphics for Your eStore 

Lead Magnets/Freemiums

Engaging Videos and Promo Videos

Presentations, Banners for Landing Pages

Bonus Tips such as use of QR Codes…

It’s more than creating graphics and even leveling up your Canva skills.

It’s about supporting your customer/clients, adding value and leveraging this resource for your marketing strategy.

This Boot Camp Includes:

6 Live Weekly Sessions. Each week you will received assignments to get your Marketing Assets in order.

Access to a Private Facebook Group. A space to ask questions and connect with other Biz Bosses.

One on One 30 minute Session to Discuss Your Marketing Strategy for the First Quarter of 2021.

Life time access to session replays. 

Resources and tips to help optimize your Marketing Strategy Plan and Navigate through the process. 

Meet the Canva Queens and Canva Masters in my Community

How much does it mean to you to execute your Marketing Plan in the First Quarter of 2021 to help you generate revenue for your business/platform? How about supporting those you have been assigned to…help them go to another level..

Are you ready to take the next step to level up?

Our 6-Week Boot Camp starts Thursday, March 11, 2021.

You can join through Monday, March 8, 2021.

 Choose an investment option below


One Time Payment of $354 (best value)



$59 to Hold your seat, $59 per week for 6 weeks – Total $413


Note: If you select the weekly payment option, your payments will start now and continue for 6 weeks. If you have any questions, contact Jacqueline at This program was not designed for you to give up. Each participant is expected to meet your commitment of weekly payments and complete the entire program. Any payment modifications made after the series of payments starts and for any reason will result in a $25 administrative fee per modification. Every person participating in this program agrees to these terms. By completing the registration to save your seat, you agree that you are responsible for the total cost of this program.

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Meet Your Facilitator

Jacqueline Turnbo

Jacqueline Turnbo

Your Canva Enthusiast

Jacqueline Turnbo is an Author, Business Strategist, and Accountability Coach. She is an Infopreneur and the CEO of Vision Concepts, LLC, a business research and development firm. Jacqueline is affectionately known as “Your Partner on Purpose.” She is passionate about empowering others with information or knowledge to assist them in pursuing their purpose. Jacqueline facilitates workshops and pop up master classes such as Canva 101 and Canva Pop Up Master Class. She holds a special place in her heart for woman forty and over looking to transition from the workforce into entrepreneurship, Jacqueline helps them embrace or identify their purpose while monetizing their passion as they live intentionally and aligned with their divine purpose. Her motto is “You can do that thing God has specifically designed you to do. Only you can do it.”